Today's Mood
I spent last night hanging out with friends. People I see often enough I should term them as good friends, but the more time we spend together the more I realize our relationship is much more of the acquaintance variety. It's really superficial. They know almost nothing about me, I can't say I know a lot more about them. I take responsibility for some of that. I am not the super open type. I don't talk about myself, or even really talk a lot. They both tend to talk over people. We have different communication styles. I've realized we don't "get" each other. We're not what I would call "each other's people". In fact, last night I realized I spend a lot of time with them feeling interrupted and discounted. They're not rude per se. One, in particular, would feel bad if they knew I feel this way, and so it is on me that they don't know. I realize if I want to be a good friend I should let them know. It makes me think about my own communication, and friendship abilities. It's all interesting on an intellectual level and I'm mulling over the night and relationships in general, but right now I'm feeling a bit stung and introspective. I guess I match the weather, which is drizzly, gray and a chilly.