Charles Schultz absolutely said it best. Happiness IS a warm puppy. We brought our new puppies home last Saturday and every member of the family seeks them out with a "good morning puppies" as soon as we wake and we all grin at their sweet wagging tails. From the first night they were easy. They went to sleep when we did. They woke when we did. Sure, they're not housebroken, but they are still infants so we do our best to keep them on their schedule and not leave them unattended in the house. On Monday my ten year old was so excited to come home from school and see the puppies. She went right outside and I was so busy loving the sight of her romping around the yard with them I didn't want to look away even long enough to get a camera. Yes, they are a lot of work, but happiness really is a warm puppy.
When you're seven, holding your new puppy makes you feel very special. |
We just can't get enough puppy snuggles, even if we make Hank miss nap time. |
Sunny, napping on my daughter's school things. |
The cats are still a little freaked out, but even they are coming around enough to investigate the puppy space. |
Sunny knew just what to do with a rubber ball. |
They're getting used to their "potty corner" dog run. They already wait patiently to get out instead of yapping or going wild when they see us.
*If you'd like to follow Sunny and Hank as they grow, I started an Instagram account just for them. Their username is @sunnyandhank |
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