Friday, January 8, 2016

Creative Me?

Me and my dog, Rex
I recently joined a group of creators on Facebook.  They seem to be very interesting people from across the country, all brought together by the author Jon Katz.  I don't think of myself as a creative person, I'm pretty pedantic.  I have lots of friends who support themselves with their art, and lots of friends who create because they have many talents and skills and it makes them happy.  I think of them as creative people.  As my kids are growing though, I have a bit more time to get back in to my own skin, and this feels like a good time to try something new.

I'm think of myself as a consumer.  I read dozens of books a year, but though I think I'd like to write, I've never gotten serious about it for a variety of reasons.  I have a respectable art collection but have never painted, sculpted or taken photos seriously.   I take a few pictures and I enjoy taking them carefully, experimenting with composition, light and processing but I don't know enough about cameras -or  photography- to think of my pictures as anything other than something I've done to please myself.  (I do think of them as a bit of a journal of my life.  Most pictures I take reflect everyday bits of my world.)  I blog just a bit, again to please myself as the whim directs, but not serious writing.  Ever. Always only for my own happiness.  I suppose that is the basis of creating, I don't know anyone who creates well if it isn't pleasant for them.  Now though, I think I might dip my toe into real creative waters.  Why not?  I could learn something interesting.

If you would like, you can read a short story I wrote some time ago.  It's been on my various blogs, but so far no one I don't know personally has read it.  It's a bit exciting to put it out there.  It's 85% true.  You can read it here: Sweet Corn

My little journal of photographs is on Instagram.  You can see them here: MyFluffyPants on Instagram

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